Rev. Greg Pressley

Lead Pastor

Pastor Greg joined our staff on July 1, 2005. He is a graduate of Trevecca

Nazarene University and Nazarene Theological Seminaryand has served churches

in Kansas, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

His ministry goals are to develop a partnership with God’s people to make

Christlike disciples in our community and around the world. His prayer is that the

church will partner with families in fulfilling Proverbs 22:6.

Pastor Greg enjoys spending time with his family, working in the yard and

occasionally golfing. His wife, Jeannie Pressley, is involved with Children’s

Church, VBS, and special programs.

Pastor Nicole Langston

Family Pastor

Pastor Nicole joined our staff May 15, 2023. She is a graduate of Olivet Nazarene University, and has moved to Sumter to serve the youth and families at Sumter First. 

She holds a District Minister's License in the Church of the Nazarene, and has been serving local churches in her home town of Pekin, IL and within the college campus at Olivet Nazarene University during her undergraduate degree. She has dedicated her ministry to teaching the truth, and spreading the good news one person at a time. 

Pastor Nicole enjoys hanging out with her Husband and dog, recreational sports, running, hiking, board games, coffee shops, and anything that involves new people and being active. Her Husband, Dalton Langston, works in the social work field in the Columbia area, and serves within the youth ministry. 

Rev. Cheryl Kammermann

Pastoral care & Compassionate ministries pastor

Pastor Cheryl joined the staff in 2005. Her education includes San Diego State

University, Montessori Teachers College in London, and Carolina School of

Ministry. She has also served the Church of the Nazarene in Germany.

Cheryl’s current duties include Pearls of Wisdom for senior adults, services and

chaplain at the Grove, hospital visitation, and a food and clothing pantry. Her

ministry goal is to provide for the needs of those less fortunate, tell others about

Jesus and the hope they have through Him.

Cheryl’s son and wife live in Virginia. Cheryl rescued a 6 year old Carolina breed

dog who had been abused. Her name is Caroline and has become a part of

Cheryl’s ministry.

mrs. susan white

worship leader

Susan joined our staff in the summer of 2017. Before coming to Sumter First, she

led worship at Wise Drive Baptist for 6 years. Susan is in charge of leading our

instrumentalists and vocalists in our Sunday morning worship service.

Susan has been singing in church since she was a child and has sung in all types of

Christian genres from a Southern Gospel quartet to a contemporary praise and

worship band. She has traveled across the United States singing and speaking

God’s words into the hearts of many. Susan is also involved in many Women’s

Ministries around the Sumter area.

When Susan is not worshiping on stages, she enjoys spending time with her

husband, Shane, her children and their families.

Mary FrancEs Floyd

Children's Director

When Mary Frances was a young teenager, she wanted to be a missionary but

God’s plans were a little different. She was a missionary but her mission field was

in a high school classroom for 39 years. Her main goal was to be a loving role

model to her students. Today Mary Frances gets to love our church children here

at Sumter First. God is love.

Deuteronomy 6: 6-7

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them

on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along

the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

mrs. Joy Klotzle

Financial Secretary

Joy joined the staff in 2011. She is a graduate of Southern Wesleyan University

and worked as a special education teacher for 33 years.

Her duties include keeping accurate accounting of all finances of the church and performing office responsibilities as needed.